Our Favourite Wedding Images from 2019

We are excited to share our favourite wedding images of 2019! We really enjoyed sitting down to re-live the year of weddings together, reflecting, planning and celebrating. This is something we’ve always meant and wanted to do but haven’t taken the time to. We hope you enjoy looking through some of the photos that excite us about what we do as wedding photographers! We learned that we really care for the candid moments. As parents we are drawn to moments shared between our couples and their parents and can’t resist cute kiddos doing cute things. We love an image that combines emotion and pleasing composition but overall we are feeling incredibly blessed to have met and photographed all of our 2019 couples!

Best of engagement and family to come.


Thank you to all the couples and vendors that help make wedding days what they are. Without you we don’t have nearly as many pretty things to document.


Our Favourite Couples Images from 2019


New Westminster Engagement - Rob and Jess